Posts tagged narrative
Anti Fashion Photography by Lizzy Nicholson

London based portrait photographer Lizzy Nicholson talks to us about her views on modern fashion photography and why she's determined to break down fascism within the industry. Her portraiture celebrates real people and avoids archetypes. Enter Lizzy Nicholson - the post modern photographic activist.

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GIB50 by Iggy Smalls

Iggy Smalls, a Norwegian born photographic artist but otherwise currently internationally renowned and practicing visual storyteller, talks to us about her recent work in Gibraltar, Spain. Delivering a narrative reflective of the space surrounding her, the cultural environment and the people.

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Margaret Inga Urías & Our Relationship to Cosmological Phenomena

Margaret Inga Urías creates graphic art work across a range of media as a catalyst to discourse on a narrative connecting her individual pieces into a larger cohesive body of artwork. The narrative is a sociological one exploring our subconscious and conscious interconnectedness to each other and our surrounding forma in objects. 

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